The Grass is ALWAYS Greener…

Blaine Phelps
2 min readApr 1, 2024

You know the saying, the grass is greener on the other side.

We’ve all thought that at one time or another. And in some cases, when we did go to the “other side”, the grass really was greener (or better, more perfect, etc.). And in others, the grass was not greener. It was brown, or dead, or just dirt.

We may be in a job where we think about leaving because the grass “has to be” greener over there. Somewhere. Anywhere but where we are at at the moment.

I get it. You get it. Most of us, at one time or another, have said “I need to leave here, it has to be better over there.”

And some of us have left; and discovered that the grass was greener, or it was brown. And now we were stuck there, for good or bad — at least as long until we had enough time under our belts to learn something and get the experience we needed to put on a resume.

For me, when the grass was brown or dead, I would learn from it. I could easily count it as a failure in my life — and I did. For the briefest of moments. Until I realized that failure is the road to success and that making that “leap” was a good thing, even if the situation AT THE TIME, didn’t feel like it was a good thing.

And that’s what I want to briefly mention. It took risk to make that leap to the other side. I had to risk my current situation in life — which could have been pay, location, balance, or whatever. But I was strong enough to look into the future a couple of years and ask myself “Would I be happy doing what I’m doing right now two years from now, or should I take the risk and bring more happiness now and earlier?”

And I would risk it.

I get it. Many of you don’t want to risk it. You think that this is the best you will ever get, or that you aren’t ready to try to go “to the other side”, or that you are scared. Or something else.

I get it. Taking a risk could hurt your professional career — it did mine, for a total of 3 years over my 30 year career. But like I said, I learned from each one of those risks that ended in failure and made myself so much better because of it.

Again, at the time, I thought I was stupid and a failure for making the leap.

And then, after a few short months, I realized that this was a good thing. That I could grow from this.

And grow I did. Just like you can.

If you are willing to take the risk and go for it. The grass may or may not be greener on the other side — but you know what? You will never know unless you go look and experience it.



Blaine Phelps

Lucky enough to have traveled the world and gained experiences that I like to share - and I do it now, through life coaching, mentoring, and teaching.