It’s all the same!

Blaine Phelps
2 min readJun 14, 2021

What I love about my job is being creative. Thinking outside the box. Doing something that no one has done before.

From writing that really creative sentence that will just “GRAB” someone’s attention and make them buy; to choosing that perfect image that will draw the eye of an individual who will then say “I need that” or “What’s this? I need to read more!”.

It is and was always about catching someone’s attention.

In the 1980’s and 1990’s, it was creative copy — for brochures or mail, creative imagery or pictures for magazine or newspaper advertisements, creative video (TV advertisement), and so on.

In the 21st century, it’s exactly the same. Creative copy — for direct mail pieces or web pages, creative imagery or pictures for web (landing) pages or direct mail email, and creative video — still for TV, but now for social media (YouTube to Twitter).

It’s all the same. Same content. Same purpose. Same messaging. Just different formats.

A TV advertisement from 1980 can easily be transferred to an advertisement used today on Facebook (of course, new imagery and copy, but the message is still the same).

It amazes me that companies, especially young companies, think that marketing, advertising, creative, etc. that was done 20 years ago is nothing like it is done today. There is no difference. Here is a PERFECT example — the Cadbury Egg Easter Bunny tv advertisement. Used in the 80’s and still used today — with NO changes. In fact, they left the video as is, looking like it has aged (grainy).

There is no difference in messaging from then and now. Then, we said “Uhhh, …”, today, we say “Like, …”. Then, we used a mom with a child to advertise soap, today, we use two white dads with two black children. Same message, different creative.

It is all the same. Don’t get caught up thinking that the 40 year old is “too old” to do what you need for advertising. I guarantee that she/he does, as long as you, the company, are clear on what your message is.



Blaine Phelps

Lucky enough to have traveled the world and gained experiences that I like to share - and I do it now, through life coaching, mentoring, and teaching.