AI — Run for the hills!

Blaine Phelps
2 min readMay 11, 2023

If you’ve been living under a rock than you have missed the plethora of stories on AI and how it’s going to destroy the world as we know it.

Not just in 200 years, but tomorrow!!!

There’s so much ignorance on AI and what it can and cannot do (as of today!), it’s sad to see reports that are based on more fiction than fact.

But, with that said, let’s move real quick to ChatGPT. It’s pretty awesome — it can write a doctoral thesis, it can take a bar exam test and pass it, and it can parrot back whatever its masters (the programmers) want it to. If they want it to put out racist hate, it can and will; if the programmers want it to give a different version of history, it can and will.

Garbage in, garbage out.

Don’t get me wrong — I have read some of the papers that ChatGPT has published, and some are pretty strong (all depending on what the definition parameters were that were placed/defined — if that’s not the next big job opportunity, I don’t know what is (and if you are into SEO, that will not transfer as easily as you think)).

So why are agencies already positioning themselves against ChatGPT? If I was at an agency, I would immediately incorporate it into writing anything I needed — from a press release to a white paper. And then, have a human being go in and clean it up, make sure the context is right, etc.

Instead of hiring the 22 year old college graduate to take a “stab” at a first draft, let AI (like ChatGPT) do it.

But, already, agencies are positioning themselves as “You won’t get what we have to offer if you use ChapGPT for any of your marketing assets”.

I have no clue why they would do that.

I would even market it and say “We use ChatGPT for our marketing stuff, causing YOU to have a reduction of 50% in fee’s. Why pay $5K for a white paper when you can get the same thing from us for $2500, half the cost, and with the added benefit of half the time”.

It’s a no brainer for me. But then, I always think outside the box.



Blaine Phelps

Lucky enough to have traveled the world and gained experiences that I like to share - and I do it now, through life coaching, mentoring, and teaching.